Nakuru Man Amazes Kenyans with Unique 3-Bedroom Bungalow Featuring Hidden Roof

Nakuru Man Amazes Kenyans with Unique 3-Bedroom Bungalow Featuring Hidden Roof

The world of news


A Nakuru man has captured the admiration of Kenyans after unveiling stunning photos of his newly completed bungalow, boasting a unique hidden roof design. Mwangi, hailing from Gilgil, Nakuru, embarked on his journey to homeownership in 2022, demonstrating unwavering patience, resilience, and dedication throughout the process.

Mwangi's commitment to his goal was evident as he diligently saved between KSh 30,000 to 40,000 every month, channeling these funds towards the construction of his dream home. With meticulous planning and determination, he transformed his vision into reality, erecting a beautiful three-bedroom bungalow that stands as a testament to his hard work and perseverance.

In an exclusive interview with, Mwangi shared insights into his journey, revealing that the initial phase of building the house's exterior took approximately a year. Undeterred by the challenges, he remained steadfast in his pursuit, investing time and resources into realizing his dream.

The highlight of Mwangi's bungalow is undoubtedly its unique hidden roof, which adds a modern touch to the structure and reflects his original aesthetic vision. Despite the additional cost of the finishing touches, Mwangi remained undeterred, ensuring that every aspect of the project aligned with his vision.

Remarkably, Mwangi completed the entire project at a cost of KSh 900,000, a testament to his resourcefulness and budgeting skills. As he settles into his new home, Mwangi offers valuable advice to aspiring homeowners, emphasizing the importance of patience and meticulous planning.

Mwangi's journey has not only inspired admiration but also garnered praise from Kenyans across various platforms. His dedication to achieving his dream serves as a testament to the power of perseverance and determination in realizing one's goals.

Congratulations to Mwangi on his remarkable achievement, and may his story inspire many others on their path to homeownership.

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