EastEnders Star Reveals New Career Four Years After Being Killed Off in BBC Soap

EastEnders Star Reveals New Career Four Years After Being Killed Off in BBC Soap

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Luisa Bradshaw-White, known for her role as Tina Carter on EastEnders, has unveiled a surprising new career path four years after her character was killed off the BBC soap. Bradshaw-White, who portrayed Tina for eight years, left the show in 2020 when her character was murdered by serial killer Gray Atkins.

S ince departing from EastEnders, Luisa has engaged in various projects, but her latest venture is particularly unique. She has now become the resident DJ at FreedOm in the Forest, an event described as an "ecstatic dance and cacao ceremony." Speaking to the Mirror's sister title in Hertfordshire, she shared her enthusiasm for this new role. As a DJ, she aims to "create a wave of music that is earthy, shamanic, heart-opening, tribal, euphoric, and fun," a significant departure from her dramatic role in Albert Square.

Luisa's transition from acting was first announced in October 2020 when she revealed on Instagram that she had decided to leave acting behind as it no longer fulfilled her. "Finally the time has come to say goodbye to my EastEnders family," she wrote. "After 7 awesome years, it’s time for me to move on and get excited about other projects!"

Her new calling in dance has led her to host ecstatic dance classes, which she describes as an exciting way to enjoy the thrill of going out without the subsequent hangover. "Everybody drinks the cacao, so there's a little bit of a ceremony," she explained to Herts Live. "Then people just start dancing, and I DJ the music to start really, really chilled, and then the beat picks up. The cacao really opens your heart, and the combination of cacao and music is such an awesome combination."

In addition to her role on EastEnders, Luisa Bradshaw-White has also appeared in Holby City, Bad Girls, Birds of a Feather, The Bill, and Grange Hill. Despite her extensive acting career, she feels that her work in dance has finally led her to find her true calling.


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