Tanzania's opposition accuses ruling party of undermining democracy

Tanzania's opposition accuses ruling party of undermining democracy

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Tanzania's main opposition party, Chadema, has accused the ruling party, CCM, of undermining democracy and violating the rights of citizens. Chadema's chairman, Freeman Mbowe, said that the Samia administration, which took over after the death of former president John Magufuli in March 2021, has failed to deliver on its promises of reform and dialogue.

Mbowe said that one of the key opposition concerns is the lack of provisions in any of the bills passed by the parliament for the courts to review the results of the presidential election, which was marred by allegations of fraud and violence in 2020. He also said that CCM has ignored Chadema's proposals regarding the new constitution, election laws and democratic reforms, which were submitted to the government in June 2021.

Mbowe said that the opposition will continue to demand for a free and fair electoral system, respect for human rights and the rule of law, and a more inclusive and accountable governance. He also called on the international community to support the democratic aspirations of the Tanzanian people and to pressure the government to uphold its obligations under the regional and international treaties.

The Samia administration has faced increasing pressure over a series of touchy public issues, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic crisis, the media freedom, the corruption scandals, and the security threats. The government has defended its policies and actions, saying that it is committed to improving the lives of the people and maintaining peace and stability in the country.

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