Kate Middleton revenge dress

Kate Middleton revenge dress

The world of news

 Liz Jones, a British fashion journalist and writer, wrote an article for the Daily Mail about Kate Middleton's dress at the Diplomatic Corps Reception at Buckingham Palace. According to Jones, Kate wore the ultimate revenge dress, sending a message to the world that she will not be cowed, just like Diana did with her Little Black Dress at the Serpentine on the night Prince Charles confessed to adultery on national television ¹. 

Jones compared Kate's dress this year to the one she wore at the same event in 2022, which was a scarlet, embroidered and embellished Jenny Packham gown. In contrast, this year's dress was a sequinned Jenny Packham gown previously worn at the Jordanian wedding ¹. 

The article also features pictures of Kate at the event, smiling and laughing with all the members of the Diplomatic corps at Buckingham Palace, and putting on a united front with the fabulous four for the official picture ¹. 

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