Mulamwah’s Grandmother Sparks Controversy by Omitting Carol Sonnie’s Daughter in Grandchildren Count

Mulamwah’s Grandmother Sparks Controversy by Omitting Carol Sonnie’s Daughter in Grandchildren Count

The world of news


By Criss




By John Green

Comedian Mulamwah’s grandmother has stirred up mixed reactions after failing to acknowledge her son’s ex-partner’s child while naming her grandchildren. The incident occurred during a light-hearted moment when Mulamwah’s wife, Ruth K, playfully asked the grandmother how many grandkids she had.

The elderly woman counted three grandchildren but emphasized that they were all male. Notably, she left out Keilah Oyando, Carol Sonnie’s daughter. Ruth, joining in the laughter, asked if the grandmother would be okay with having a granddaughter, to which the granny expressed her desire for more granddaughters.

Social media users weighed in on the situation, with some defending Ruth and others suggesting that cultural context and family dynamics might explain the omission. Regardless, the incident highlights the complexities of family relationships and the importance of recognizing all family members, regardless of their background.

In another story, Mulamwah and Ruth bid farewell to his family after spending a week in the countryside. During their departure, Mulamwah’s grandmother blessed their young family, praying for their newborn Kalamwah, their brand new Mercedes Benz, and their endeavors in Nairobi.

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