Ben Affleck Accidentally Reveals Private Pic of Jennifer Lopez on His Phone, Fans Speculate It’s “AI”

Ben Affleck Accidentally Reveals Private Pic of Jennifer Lopez on His Phone, Fans Speculate It’s “AI”

The world of news


By Criss


Los Angeles, May 20, 2024 – Ben Affleck, the Hollywood actor, inadvertently exposed a private photo of his wife, Jennifer Lopez, on his mobile phone screen. The image displayed her contact saved as “Jennifer Affleck.” However, some fans are now questioning whether it’s an AI-generated image.

Ben Affleck accidentally flashes Lopez's Photo 

The couple, who have been making headlines recently, were photographed together as Ben picked up Jennifer from a family event in Los Angeles. The screen of his phone was visible to photographers, revealing the affectionate name he has saved for his wife.

Despite ongoing rumors of their separation, this recent sighting suggests otherwise. In a sultry snap, Jennifer’s image adorned Ben’s phone screen as he seemingly received an incoming call from J.Lo. The two arrived separately but left together in Ben’s BMW.

Fans have been buzzing about the photo, with some expressing skepticism. “Ben Affleck has Jennifer Lopez’s contact saved as ‘Jennifer Affleck,’” one fan shared on social media. The unexpected appearance of her name on his screen has led to speculation that it might be an AI-generated image.

Questions abound: Why would Ben call Jennifer when she’s sitting right next to him? Is it a deliberate move to create authenticity? Some users even compared the image to Jennifer’s iconic “kiss of the spider woman” look from a music video.

While the couple navigates these rumors, fans continue to discuss the mysterious phone screen image. Whether it’s a genuine moment or a clever PR move, one thing is certain: Ben and Jennifer remain in the spotlight.

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