sexual assault cab driver arrest news Nairobi

sexual assault cab driver arrest news Nairobi

The world of news

 A cab driver was arrested in Ruaka on Sunday, December 10th, 2023, following allegations of sexually assaulting a female passenger. The incident reportedly occurred a week earlier inside the driver’s car, located in a thicket along the Ruaka Bypass.

The suspect, driving a Mitsubishi car, shaved off his distinctive dreadlocks in an attempt to conceal his identity. A witness who observed the incident corroborated the victim’s account and provided a statement to the police. Additionally, the witness managed to capture the vehicle’s registration number, facilitating the suspect’s arrest. The suspect is currently being held while we await further instructions. He is expected to be arraigned in court on Monday, December 11th, 2023, while investigations continue.

According to the Center for Rights Education and Awareness (CREAW-Kenya), over 3,762 cases of Gender Based Violence (GBV) were reported in 2022. Of these cases, women reported 2,985 incidents, while men reported 777. The reported forms of GBV included physical assault, emotional abuse, defilement, and rape. "Denial of resources, primarily financial resources, constituted the highest form of GBV, accounting for 68.3% of reported cases," CREAW-Kenya stated. "This was followed by defilement (7.9%), emotional abuse (6.7%), rape (5.7%), and physical assault (4.5%)."

In other news, three suspected cattle rustlers were killed during a failed robbery attempt in Isiolo County. Local residents intervened upon hearing the owner’s cries for help, leading to the deaths of three suspects.

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